Eastspring Investments - China A Shares Growth Fund - C

For investors who want to maximise long-term capital growth by investing equity and equity-related securities of companies in the People's Republic of China

Fund objective

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This Fund aims to maximise long-term capital growth by investing at least 70% of its net assets in China-A shares of companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and/or the Shenzhen Stock Exchange via SHHK and SZHK Stock Connect and/or QFII/RQFII which have strong potential growth. The Fund may Read more..

  • USD 6.003
    NAV as of 16 Jul 2024
  • $0.00 arrow icon
    Daily $ Change
  • 0.03 % arrow icon
    Daily % Change
  • Morningstar rating*
    30 Jun 2024

Fund performance



All data as at 31 May 2024

  1 m 3 m YTD 1 y 3 y
5 y
10 y
Since inception
Bid-Bid -1.3% 2.6% 1.4% -11.4% -21.6% - - -12.1%
Offer-Bid -1.3% 2.6% 1.4% -11.4% -21.6% - - -12.1%
Benchmark -0.9% 1.4% 2.2% -6.2% -13.9% - - -6.2%

(p.a.): per annum. Source: Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited. Returns are based in share class currency and computed on bid-bid basis with net income reinvested, if any. Offer-bid is inclusive of sales charge which is subject to changes. Since inception returns for periods less than a year are not annualised. The benchmark for the hedged share classes, if any, is also calculated on a hedged basis. Calendar year returns are based on the share class performance for the year, and if the share class was incepted during a particular year, the returns shown relate to the performance of the share class since its inception to the end of that calendar year. Wef July 2018, the monthly fund and benchmark returns calculated are aligned to the last NAV date of the fund for the month. Past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance.

Fund facts

  • Asset classEquity
  • ClassC
  • Subscription methodCash
  • ISIN codeLU2224640131
  • Bloomberg tickerEAASGCU LX
  • Minimum initial investmentUSD 10m
  • Minimum subsequent investmentUSD 1000
  • Inception date 08 Sep 2020
  • Share class currencyUSD
  • Initial sales chargeNA
  • Annual management fees0.75%
  • Benchmark indexMSCI China A Index USD
  • Morningstar rating *
    30 Jun 2024

*Rating should not be taken as a recommendation. © 2024 Morningstar. All rights reserved.

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