Ai-yu ready to try?

Fortune favours the bold, and that sometimes means taking a leap of faith.

Taiwan is famous for many delicacies, but perhaps one of the most refreshing is its Aiyu jelly, a popular dessert and drink to ward off the summer heat. In fact, it has also been voted “most popular summer snack” in a competition organised by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau1.

Made from the seeds of a creeping fig, Aiyu jelly is not only a delicious summertime dessert; it is also an ideal diet food2.

Interestingly, the jelly and plant was said to only be discovered by a Taiwanese businessman in the 1800s. Drinking from a lake at Alishan, the businessman discovered what he thought were pieces of ice in the water. Confused, he investigated further, and realised that it was instead a sweet gelatinous substance.

Several figs hung above the lake, and the businessman found out that when the seeds of the fruit were rubbed together, jelly was formed. He was intrigued and decided to bring the fruits back home.

Together with his daughter, Aiyu, the businessman sold the jelly with honeyed lemon juice and sweet beverages. Over time, customers began to refer to the jelly by the name of his daughter, who was put in charge of selling it.

Now, Aiyu jelly is sold at most bubble tea shops and at night markets in Taiwan, and has even made its way across the ocean and into dessert places across the Asian region.

Seize opportunities when they knock on your door. Just like the businessman, you will never know what could come your way! Similarly, you can find sweetness in investments. Find out what the existing investment opportunities.

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