Tap into China’s EV hype

Let’s look deeper into electric vehicles… there might be something more lucrative for your portfolio.

You’ve probably heard of electric cars and how they’re the future in the car industry, and maybe that got you thinking: is it time to invest in the electric vehicle (EV) industry?

After all, Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo has similar plans from 2030, and Volkswagen says that 70% of its sales will be electric vehicles by 20301.

More brands are also following suit, and with many governments planning to phase out the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles, EV might just be the future of transportation. For one, China’s EV industry has been on the rise, creating attractive investment opportunities in the industry.

Set apart by looking beyond the hype

So, tapping on the investing opportunities of the EV supply chain sounds like a very good idea, but don't get too hasty yet — there's more than lithium-ion batteries and charging points to invest in.

If you look even deeper into the supply chain, you can find even more niche areas. Separators, for example, is a market you should definitely keep an eye on.

A separator is a safety feature which, in emergencies, shuts down the battery in an EV and prevents it from bursting into flames. The separator protects the EV, just like how a computer antivirus would protect your computer by detecting and destroying malware and cyberthreats before they happen.

These separators are essential, but they are also incredibly complex to manufacture and develop. This creates a high barrier-to-entry for new players — an advantage for the incumbent Chinese companies who are already manufacturing it.

Sometimes, we need to remain alert and look beyond what’s popular to uncover the real gems.

If you would like to know more about these niche opportunities please read our thought leadership article at China: Spotting niche opportunities in the electric vehicle industry

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