While there are existing products that are branded as solutions for managing volatility in a Global equity portfolio, the Fund does so with a unique investment process and is among the few that are systematic and are grounded in factor-based investing. Using our innovative proprietary model we produce a valuation-aware low volatility portfolio – cheaper than the minimum volatility index and with a high dividend yield.
Source: Eastspring Investments, MSCI and Axioma, 31 August 2017. Please note that there are limitations to the use of such indices (index) as proxies (a proxy) for the past performance in the respective asset classes/sector. The historical performance or forecast presented is not indicative of and should not be construed as being indicative of or otherwise used as a proxy for the future or likely performance of the Fund..FY1=Forward 1 Year estimate (Source: Factset). Any prediction, projection or forecast is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance.
A low volatility equity portfolio offers investors a peace of mind. Low volatility investing seeks to avoid drawdowns that weaken your portfolio, so you don’t have to keep recouping your losses – making it easier to accumulate wealth over the long term. The Fund thus aims to deliver better risk-adjusted returns with an attractive dividend yield across market cycles through a lower drawdown during market downturns.