Eastspring Investments has co-authored a whitepaper with our parent Prudential plc that aims to provide a comprehensive asset allocation and investment approach for both Asset Owners and Asset Managers respectively.

At the Asset Owner level, the whitepaper outlines our parent’s approach to Financing the Transition. This approach highlights the importance of considering hard-to-abate sectors and emerging markets, in line with the Paris Agreement’s principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities.' At the Asset Manager level, the paper proposes a framework for building a climate transition portfolio.

The need for a different approach to climate investing

The mobilisation of capital to bridge the transition financing gap is crucial for meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless, the potential of capital markets has not been fully realised, partly because existing transition solutions do not effectively measure progress at the company level.

For example, current solutions, such as Sustainable Finance Taxonomies, define green and transition-eligible activities but are primarily useful for project financing. Guidelines from industry bodies like the Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) provide direction but lack detailed, scalable data for measuring company progress.

Most current data solutions focus on companies with reduced emissions or those already providing green solutions. These types of funds constitute approximately 61% of global climate fund assets. The remaining 39% focus on a broad range of companies considering climate change, yet 73% of these are passive funds that mainly aim to reduce emissions1.

We must go beyond focusing solely on emissions reduction or companies focusing purely on providing primarily green solutions. The challenge is to identify companies that are either already aligned with, or making credible progress toward, both national and international sustainable finance guidelines. This includes:

  • Ensuring market inclusivity of eligible companies across different sectors, including high-emission ones.
  • Considering the social aspect of a just transition, meaning climate progress should not compromise human rights.

A framework for building a climate transition portfolio

The framework presents a practical approach to building a climate transition portfolio of companies taking concrete actions in tapping on transition opportunities and are managing emissions in alignment with industry best-practice transition principles (e.g. Climate Bonds’ Initiative) and the transition component of Sustainable Finance Taxonomies. By incorporating engagement and reporting throughout the investment lifecycle, the concept of a just transition can be implemented at a capital markets scale by both asset managers and asset owners.

Key components of the framework include:

  • Composite Transition Portfolio Screen : A screen combining data from independent providers to measure transition opportunities and emissions reduction efforts.
  • Engagement and Monitoring : Ongoing engagement to ensure companies are meeting transition goals and considering social factors.
  • Reporting : Transparency and accountability through regular reporting on progress.

Case study: Eastspring Investments’ Just Transition Portfolio

The whitepaper features a case study on Eastspring Investments' Just Transition Portfolio, which focuses on the Asia Pacific region. This portfolio targets high-emission sectors and applies the proposed screening framework, including social engagement. Applying this framework results in approximately 1,000 companies, ensuring sufficient sector and market coverage for a cross-strategies capital markets portfolio. The portfolio also generally has a lower emissions profile and higher social and governance scores compared to a broader market index when tested on third party ESG data (as at May 2024).

1 Morningstar, 2024, Investing in Times of Climate Change: 2023 in Review

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Eastspring Investments companies (excluding joint venture companies) are ultimately wholly owned/indirect subsidiaries of Prudential plc of the United Kingdom. Eastspring Investments companies (including joint venture companies) and Prudential plc are not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc., a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America or with the Prudential Assurance Company Limited, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).