Plan for you and your child

As parents, we always want the best for our child. Learn how to plan for retirement while balancing the costs of raising a child.

Plan for you and your child

As parents, we always want the best for our child. Learn how to plan for retirement while balancing the costs of raising a child.

What is your top priority?

Learn more about the three key goals when planning your finances as a parent

  • Retirement
  • Education
  • Gifting

A parent’s guide to planning for your retirement

Most parents will come to realise that, planning their retirement doesn’t just benefit themselves. According to a recent Nielsen survey, around 70 per cent of youths expected they would have to downgrade their lifestyle, to care for elderly parents. This highlights the importance of lasting retirement funds for parents; enjoying our twilight years doesn’t just mean holidays and steady meals (although that’s certainly a part of it). It also means peace of mind, knowing that we’re not a burden on anyone. Here’s a look at how you might plan for such a retirement:

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How to maximise your child’s educational dollar

A common headache for parents is planning their child’s education. We can’t know for sure where our children’s interest will lie, or if and when they’ll decide to pursue higher education. The good news is that, while we can’t plan for every possibility, we can plan for some of the most probable costs:

We have used Singapore as an example, but the same concepts should apply when planning for your child’s education.

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How to plan a generous gift for your child (Home and Weddings) 

Two of the biggest expenses you’ve faced in your life as young adults are probably your home, and your wedding. Having gone through this as parents, it’s unsurprising that many of us would like to help our children out if possible. With a bit of early financial planning, you can do just that, without too much impact on your own financial goals. Here’s how:

We have used the cost of home and weddings in Singapore as an example, but the same concepts should apply when planning for your child’s education.

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Investment options for your child’s future

Whether you are looking for income in a low interest rate world, ways to ride the market volatility or simply greater diversification, Eastspring has a suite of solutions that can meet your needs.