Apakah itu Money Parenting?

Semua Tentang Money Parenting

Apa pengertian Money Parenting dan bagaimana perbedaannya antar budaya di seluruh Asia? Menurut Survei Eastspring Asia Money Parenting, berikut sekilas statistiknya! Ikuti kuis money parenting hari ini untuk mengetahui karakter anda dan dimana anda berdiri dibandingkan dengan hasil ini.

‘Money Parenting’ — the process of educating children on the financial and social responsibilities that come with money

Money parenting in Asia at a glance

Age where most Asian children start learning about money



of parents think both are responsible for money parenting



But most Asian parents don’t know if they’ve been successful at money parenting

Confidence in money parenting varies...















The 4 money goals Asian parents want their children to achieve

Children should learn...

The value
of money

and savings

A want
vs a need

Money needs
to be earned

So HOW do children learn about money?

Through experience, with some parental guidance

With a savings account their parents started for them

With a savings box

In what WAYS can parents help their children?



want to learn more about money management themselves



want to know what OTHER parents are doing

Know your money parenting persona for best results

5 money parenting styles


“My children should learn through experience”


“I want my children to be personally responsible”


“My children should learn through experience”


“I want my children to be personally responsible”


“My children should learn through experience”

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