Duit Right this Raya

Whilst we’re all gearing up to celebrate Hari Raya Adilfitri, ever wondered where the tradition of green packets started?

It is unclear when green packets became the norm for giving duit raya, but it is believed to have become popular in Malaysia in the 1980s or 1990s. The early green packets were simple and plain, usually made of plain paper or tissue. They were filled with a small amount of money and given out as a token of appreciation or gratitude. Over time, as the community became more affluent, the green packets evolved to become more ornate and elaborate, reflecting the growing desire to make the giving of green packets a more special and memorable experience.

Despite the changing materials and designs of green packets, the tradition of giving remains an important part of the celebration. It is a gesture of goodwill, generosity, and blessings, and is a way to express gratitude and appreciation for the people around you.

In keeping up to the trend in the digital space, you would have noticed that electronic green packets or e-duit raya is becoming increasingly popular. These can be sent via messaging apps or financial institutions' mobile apps and can be personalized with digital designs or even augmented reality features. This has become especially popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people have been unable to gather in person for Hari Raya celebrations.

Despite these changes, the practice of giving Hari Raya Green Packets remains an important part of the Aidilfitri celebration, and it is likely to continue to evolve over time as technology and society continue to change.

What do we do with all the Duit Raya received?

I’m sure that there are a million things you can think of to do with your Duit Raya: save it for a rainy day, pay off some bills, buy that dress/shoes/digital gadget that you’ve always wanted or even donate.

While it may be tempting to spend on material possessions or fleeting pleasures, here is an unconventional idea of using your Duit Raya: Buy unit trusts.

Unit trust investments can potentially give you better returns than the interests you receive from a savings or fixed deposit account*. And you don’t have to put ALL of your Duit Raya in investments. You can invest regularly in a unit trust fund for as low as RM100 per month for the potential long-term growth of your investments and still have some left over for the things that you want. That’s a win-win.

Not sure which unit trust fund is right for you? There are a wide range of unit trust funds out there to suit your investment or financial needs and your risk appetite. Look for a unit trust consultant. You can ask for one by submitting the form below. They can help you check your risk appetite and recommend a suitable fund for you.

So, “Duit” right this Raya, go look for a unit trust consultant to start your investing journey.

* Higher returns are subject to higher risks.

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