Win by losing less


Win by losing less

While market declines are an inevitable part of the investing journey, experiencing smaller losses means that there is less ground to cover in order to reach breakeven. For example, a USD1000 investment that falls 50% will need to rebound 100% to breakeven. However, if the investment falls 30%, it will only need to climb 43% to reach its original value.
Note: This makes it easier for the investment to keep pace with the market over the long term and deliver comparable returns.

Avoid missing the market’s best days


Avoid missing the market’s best days

Low volatility strategies help temper the volatility in portfolios, allowing investors to stay invested in choppy markets. An investor who started with USD100k and stayed invested in Asian equities over the last 15 years, for example, would have an ending portfolio of USD306K, USD123k more than someone who missed the market’s 10 best days1.
Note: By staying invested, investors reduce the risk of missing the market’s best days which can significantly lower their overall returns.

Maximise the power of compounding


Maximise the power of compounding

Compounding effects are more pronounced when returns are less volatile. By staying invested and participating in the market’s upside while losing less during downturns, even small gains are magnified over time.
Note: A low volatility portfolio potentially accumulates more wealth over the long term by benefitting more fully from the power of compounding.

Get rewarded for taking less risk


Get rewarded for taking less risk

Studies show that low volatility stocks, despite being less risky, outperform their benchmarks over time. This challenges the conventional wisdom that investors need to take on more risk to get higher returns. This phenomenon, known as the low volatility anomaly, is a result of certain behavioural biases among investors, one of which is the tendency to overpay for attention grabbing stocks. The low volatility anomaly is observed across different market capitalisations and regions.
Note: A low volatility portfolio can achieve higher returns but with lower volatility.

Enjoy a steadier path towards financial goals


Enjoy a steadier path towards your financial goals

Going into the rest of 2024, investor sentiment may be affected by geopolitics and election outcomes. On the macro front, varying expectations of Fed rate cuts this year can result in significant volatility in asset markets.
Note: By prioritising low volatility and loss avoidance, low volatility strategies can help investors enjoy a steadier path towards their financial goals.

Read our insights to find out why being slow and steady can help investors win the investment race.

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1 Based on daily total returns of the MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Index in USD terms for 15 years as of 26 March 2024.

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